
Mongoose develop and distribute embedded software and hardware with focus on connected products and the Internet of Things


Embedded Web Server for Electronic Devices

Meet Mongoose – an open source embedded HTTP/Websocket/MQTT library for C/C++

Web UI Interface

Web UI Interface

Mongoose turns a software product, a device or appliance into a web server, accessible by a browser

Device Control Panel

One of the most common use cases is to use Mongoose to add a Web-accessible control panel for a device

Login screen, file uploads and more

Ready-to-go examples and tutorials for common functionalities like authentication, live logs, video streaming

Remote Control

Using Mongoose, it is easy to create various API to control your device or application remotely – via browser, mobile phone, or automation tools


We have created an extremely memory efficient, easy to use, MIT-licensed JSON library to use together with Mongoose

Real-time two-way communication

Real-time, full duplex communication over MQTT or Websocket. Exchange plain data, or wrap data into JSON to use JSON-RPC.

Mongoose Remote Control
Mongoose Telemetry Data Reporting

Telemetry data reporting

Mongoose turns a software product, a device or appliance into a web server, accessible by a browser

Talk to AWS IoT, Azure, Goole IoT

Upload device data to a cloud server of your choice. Use a 3rd party cloud provider, or spin your own

Live data streams

Implement real-time data upload using industry standard protocols like MQTT and Websocket

Over-the-Air Updates

For any connected product, a reliable OTA is key

Efficient file uploads

On devices with very little memory, Mongoose can save large firmware files easily

Push or Pull

Update devices automatically by periodic pull / version check, or by an explicit push

Mongoose Over the Air Updates