
Monitoring Water Level and Water Quality

From advanced aquifer characterization, to long-term monitoring, to economical data collection, In-Situ® Inc. instruments yield accurate measurements, powerful data logging, and flexible communications. You’ll find an instrument perfectly suited to your water level or water quality application.

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The Right Tool

In-Situ monitoring equipment and software works together to make it easier and more cost effective to collect, access and manage the data you need. Let us customize a solution that works for you.

Water Level
Water Quality
Agriculture Waterflow
Telemetry Remote Monitoring
Apps Software Vusitu


From surface water to groundwater, agriculture to aquaculture, source water to process, In-Situ offers customized solutions that deliver accurate results and ensure that you’re never caught off guard.

Pond Aquaculture In-Situ

Pond Aquaculture

Monitor dissolved oxygen and control aerator function to protect stocks and increase yields.

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Surface Water

Monitor inland or coastal water easily and accurately with equipment designed to work together.

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Surface Water In-Situ
Continuous Groundwater Monitoring In-Situ

Continuous Groundwater Monitoring

Measure water level and water quality over time at local or regional scales.

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Monitor and track irrigation flows at farm turnouts and distribution points.

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Agriculture In-Situ